Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 2 - Smathers/Higgs Beach

Mary and I rented bikes today to go to the beach.  It is definitely not what we are used to with all of those ugly nasty weeds and ROCKS!  But at least we got a chance to go out there just to say we went there.  The view was breath taking....crystal blue water and white sandy beach. 

Mary in the water.
Back at the Villa, Mary and I met this couple from Tampa name Celeste and Eric.  We went to a Drag Show at 801 Bourbon.  We totally had a blast at the drag show.  Took pictures before we went out.  Not even 10 mins into getting at 801 Bourbon, Eric got hit on by two of the Drag Queens, Amber and Baby D.  The Drag Show host Meshaun was going around asking who came from the furthest place, so four of us thought it would be hilarious if we said I was from the Philipines...and I won.  LOL!  The story will be told another time..:)  After the show, we decided to hit the streets and explore, so we stopped off at the Hammock Store and Mary and Eric made theirselves at home.  And shortly after that, one of the guys at Aqua stopped me and had some converstation with me, which Mary thought I knew him, but I didn't.

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